I have no completed Chapter 10 on To Wed...or Not to Wed. I hit such a dramatic point, that even I had forgotten about, I had to stop for a few and catch my breath and dry my eyes. Having been so many years since the birth of my books, I am reading them with a new eye and getting so engrossed myself, it is as if I have gotten sucked in to the book. Not to toot my own horn, but that is saying something, since I am not a reader. You may be asking me how it is possible to be such an intense writer when I don't like to read. All I can say is what I have said all along. I am just a vessel, I hold the pen and paper, someone or something else whispers in my ear what to write. So, as much as I would love to take full credit, I can't. I wish I could give the proper credit to whomever or whatever is actually the creator.
I am thinking of going under a pen name. I was hoping for some opinions on the matter. Being that I feel even more books growing from these, Idk. I was thinking Lilly Johnson. What do you all think?