Saturday, December 10, 2011

I try and I try

I've been saying all day that I am going to go work on  my novel, however, as usual, other things have been creeping in and stealing my attention. I vow, now, at this very minute, I will get another chapter done this weekend, some how, some way.
This evening my youngest has a concert up town. Monday she has another one after school. *Sigh* Parent first, wife next, book third and self last. That is the way it must be.

A Little background to my books

There is kind of a long story to how these books came about. I will try to sum them up without writing a novel about my Novels.  :-) 
It started out one spring when my four girls went to the carnival in town. I was home alone, which didn't happen often back then. I started to write my husband a short story, for his eyes only. When he read what I had he went on and on about how it could probably be published. Blushing and excited I decided to G rate and extend my short story to a novel. He met me with a challenge ( I had never finished a long term project at this point). "If you finish this book, I will make sure it gets published, some how. I took on his challenge and kept writing. It was fun. The more I wrote the more my mind extend the story. Soon in my head I had four books in the series causing the undertaking of Lost River Chronicles.
Book one, Lost River's Carnival took two short years to complete. Book two To Wed...or Not to Wed took a long year and is the final editing stages. Book three, though started remains untitled at this time.
I don't look to get rich and famous from my writing, but if I can stir in other people the kind of raw emotions that my closest friend showed, while helping me edit Lost River's Carnival, then I will be happy. I heard her laugh and saw her cry. I watched her gasp and shake her head. I had a hard time not revealing what was next just to get her to stop asking me. All I could say was, "keep reading".
Book two To Wed...or Not to Wed stirred something in another friend of mine, the Pastors wife. She read Lost River's Carnival only after completion, but received To Wed...or Not to Wed chapter by chapter as I completed them. It was great to hear her every week begging for the next chapter. It gave me the inspiration to keep going. I only hope books three and four can live up to the first two.